I'm only passing through...
Published on October 14, 2004 By new-age nomad In Misc
It's witnessing the image of my father's fist making contact with my brother's skull.

It's my mom throwing a lamp at my head after my dad leaves and I ask her if there's anything she needs.

It's my big sister running away and not telling me where she's going. It's seeing her being emotionally abused and knowing there's nothing I can do to help her.

It's begging my mom to buy me something for the class party in the 3rd grade, receiving generic oreos, then experiencing that common feeling of rejection as I get discusted looks from my classmates when I walk around to pass them out. It's knowing I have no friends and not understanding why. It's feeling my eyes pool up with tears and running out of the room before anyone can see them slide down.

It's looking at the ripped up love note I wrote Mitchell Allen in the fifth grade lying on the gym floor.

It's not having running water for weeks at a time, and my step-mom making us go to school dirty.

It's being a little girl and unsure that anyone really loves you.

It's realizing that every last one of your friends sucks, and they suck for the simple reason that they share your self-destructive traits.

That's how I felt today --- for no particular reason.

It's being hugged by a guy friend at work, having no affection toward him, but feeling as though you could melt from the strength in his arms and the heat from his breath.

It's getting so used to being alone that even when I feel like I'd die without being held, I push people away.

It's feeling stuck and needing change.

It's having so much to say to so many people, and feeling the force of all your words press against your heart when your mind refuses to say them out of fear.

It's everyone expecting humor in your voice when you feel like screaming.

You know what it really is? It's throwing a pity party, then feeling guilty for feeling sorry for myself.


on Oct 14, 2004
I'm listening to "Hallie's Song" by Eminem right now and I think it fits your mood perfectly. You make me realize how good I have it. It's okay to throw yourself a pity party sometimes. Take care,

on Oct 16, 2004
THAT'S SUCH AN AWESOME SONG!!!!! Tu eres me heroe, mi amigo.

on Oct 17, 2004
Trin, I was just about to go to bed but I'm going to have to scan around a bit longer so those aren't the last things I think about before I go to sleep. You and a friend of mine sound more and more alike everytime I read a post of yours like this (well, more like her and me I suppose)...she describes the same overwhelming barrage of emotions spanning all areas of her current life and her past not knowing what to do with them. I can't tell if everyone experiences these seemingly self-attacks, if some just deal with them better than others, or if everyone else I know is just a lot better at ignoring all those inner voices that never seem to take turns to speak.


If misery loves company you and I will both show up at his parties to soothe him from time to time.
on Oct 18, 2004
It's not so much that the past haunts me, although it does. The message of this blog was simply that I had no words to describe my emotion that day, but I felt like I did during such occurances...helpless....unable to control any aspect of what is going on.

And that, my friend, is not a fun feeling.

Thanks for you insight,

on Oct 18, 2004
"His mercies are new every morning" (somewhere in Psalms)
on Nov 22, 2004
That was one of the most powerful articles I've ever seen written, NAN.  Very insightful (and just increased your access so you hvae a Rich text editor).
on Nov 23, 2004

I'm so confused, Brad.....

You actually read articles?  Hehe, just play'n, you made my day...even though I don't know what Rich text editor is, and I probably wouldn't use it if I did. 

Love, Peace, and Carrot Grease,


on Nov 24, 2004
The brain is just the weight of God
For weight them pound for pound,
And they will differ if they do
As syllable from sound.
-Emily Dickenson

Beautiful, Trin. Thanks for e-mailing me.

on Nov 26, 2004
() Trinitie
on Dec 02, 2004
you have the power Trin
on Dec 20, 2005

What's Rich Text Editor?


on Dec 21, 2005
Haha. You make me laugh. I have no idea what it is... but I still owe you an email. Soon.

on Dec 21, 2005
It let's you change the text... size, font, etc.

on Dec 21, 2005

Sarah, yes you do.  And, I'm a very funny girl.  But, looks aren't everything.

Dan, thanks, yo.
